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This function allows embedding of interactive or static plots based on various types of data using tidyselect syntax for variable selection.


  dep = tidyselect::everything(),
  indep = NULL,
  type = c("cat_plot_html", "int_plot_html", "cat_table_html", "int_table_html",
    "sigtest_table_html", "cat_prop_plot_docx", "cat_freq_plot_docx", "int_plot_docx"),
  require_common_categories = TRUE,
  crowd = c("all"),
  mesos_var = NULL,
  mesos_group = NULL,
  simplify_output = TRUE,
  hide_for_crowd_if_all_na = TRUE,
  hide_for_crowd_if_valid_n_below = 0,
  hide_for_crowd_if_category_k_below = 2,
  hide_for_crowd_if_category_n_below = 0,
  hide_for_crowd_if_cell_n_below = 0,
  hide_for_all_crowds_if_hidden_for_crowd = NULL,
  hide_indep_cat_for_all_crowds_if_hidden_for_crowd = FALSE,
  add_n_to_dep_label = FALSE,
  add_n_to_indep_label = FALSE,
  add_n_to_label = FALSE,
  add_n_to_category = FALSE,
  totals = FALSE,
  categories_treated_as_na = NULL,
  label_separator = " - ",
  error_on_duplicates = TRUE,
  showNA = c("ifany", "always", "never"),
  data_label = c("percentage_bare", "percentage", "proportion", "count"),
  html_interactive = TRUE,
  hide_axis_text_if_single_variable = TRUE,
  hide_label_if_prop_below = 0.01,
  inverse = FALSE,
  vertical = FALSE,
  digits = 0,
  data_label_decimal_symbol = ".",
  x_axis_label_width = 25,
  strip_width = 25,
  sort_by = ".upper",
  descend = TRUE,
  labels_always_at_top = NULL,
  labels_always_at_bottom = NULL,
  table_wide = TRUE,
  table_main_question_as_header = FALSE,
  n_categories_limit = 12,
  translations = list(last_sep = " and ", table_heading_N = "Total (N)",
    table_heading_data_label = "%", add_n_to_dep_label_prefix = " (N = ",
    add_n_to_dep_label_suffix = ")", add_n_to_indep_label_prefix = " (N = ",
    add_n_to_indep_label_suffix = ")", add_n_to_label_prefix = " (N = ",
    add_n_to_label_suffix = ")", add_n_to_category_prefix = " (N = [",
    add_n_to_category_infix = ",", add_n_to_category_suffix = "])", by_total =
    "Everyone", sigtest_variable_header_1 = "Var 1", sigtest_variable_header_2 = "Var 2",
    crowd_all = "All", 
     crowd_target = "Target", crowd_others = "Others"),
  plot_height = 15,
  colour_palette = NULL,
  colour_2nd_binary_cat = "#ffffff",
  colour_na = "grey",
  label_font_size = 6,
  main_font_size = 6,
  strip_font_size = 6,
  legend_font_size = 6,
  font_family = "sans",
  path = NULL,
  docx_template = NULL



Your data.frame/tibble or srvyr-object (experimental)

data.frame // required

The data to be used for plotting.

dep, indep

Variable selections

<tidyselect> // Default: NULL, meaning everything for dep, nothing for indep.

Columns in data. dep is compulsory.


Kind of output

scalar<character> // default: "cat_plot_html" (optional)

For a list of registered types in your session, use get_makeme_types().


Dynamic dots


Arguments forwarded to the corresponding functions that create the elements.


Check common categories

scalar<logical> // default: TRUE (optional)

Whether to check if all items share common categories.


Which group(s) to display results for

vector<character> // default: c("target", "others", "all") (optional)

Choose whether to produce results for target (mesos) group, others, all, or combinations of these.


Variable in data indicating groups to tailor reports for

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Column name in data indicating the groups for which mesos reports will be produced.


scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

String, target group.


scalar<logical> // default: TRUE

If TRUE, a list output with a single output element will return the element itself, whereas list with multiple elements will return the list.


Hide variable from output if containing all NA

scalar<boolean> // default: TRUE

Whether to remove all variables (in particular useful for mesos) if all values are NA


Hide variable if variable has < n observations

scalar<integer> // default: 0

Whether to hide a variable for a crowd if variable contains fewer than n observations (always ignoring NA).


Hide variable if < k categories

scalar<integer> // default: 2

Whether to hide a variable for a crowd if variable contains fewer than k used categories (always ignoring NA). Defaults to 2 because a unitary plot/table is rarely informative.


Hide variable if having a category with < n observations

scalar<integer> // default: 0

Whether to hide a variable for a crowd if variable contains a category with less than n observations (ignoring NA) Cells with a 0 count is not considered as these are usually not a problem for anonymity.


Hide variable if having a cell with < n

scalar<integer> // default: 0

Whether to hide a variable for a crowd if the combination of dep-indep results in a cell with less than n observations (ignoring NA). Cells with a 0 count is not considered as these are usually not a problem for anonymity.


Conditional hiding

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Select one of the crowd output groups. If selected, will hide a variable across all crowd-outputs if it for some reason is not displayed for hide_for_all_if_hidden_for_crowd. For instance, say:

crowd = c("target", "others"), hide_variable_if_all_na = TRUE, hide_for_all_if_hidden_for_crowd = "target"

will hide variables from both target and others-outputs if all are NA in the target-group.


Conditionally hide independent categories

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE

If hide_for_all_crowds_if_hidden_for_crowd is specified, should categories of the indep variable(s) be hidden for a crowd if it does not exist for the crowds specified in hide_for_all_crowds_if_hidden_for_crowd? This is useful when e.g. indep is academic disciplines, mesos_var is institutions, and a specific institution is not interested in seeing academic disciplines they do not offer themselves.

add_n_to_dep_label, add_n_to_indep_label

Add N= to the variable label

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

For some plots and tables it is useful to attach the "N=" to the end of the label of the dependent and/or independent variable. Whether it is N or N_valid depends on your showNA-setting. See also translations$add_n_to_dep_label_prefix, translations$add_n_to_dep_label_suffix, translations$add_n_to_indep_label_prefix, translations$add_n_to_indep_label_suffix.


Add N= to the variable label of both dep and indep

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

For some plots and tables it is useful to attach the "N=" to the end of the label. Whether it is N or N_valid depends on your showNA-setting. See also translations$add_n_to_label_prefix and translations$add_n_to_label_suffix.


Add N= to the category

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

For some plots and tables it is useful to attach the "N=" to the end of the category. This will likely produce a range across the variables, hence an infix (comma) between the minimum and maximum can be specified. Whether it is N or N_valid depends on your showNA-setting. See also translations$add_n_to_category_prefix, translations$add_n_to_category_infix, and translations$add_n_to_category_suffix.


Include totals

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

Whether to include totals in the output.


NA categories

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Categories that should be treated as NA.


How to separate main question from sub-question

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Separator for main question from sub-question.


Error or warn on duplicate labels

scalar<logical> // default: TRUE (optional)

Whether to abort (TRUE) or warn (FALSE) if the same label (suffix) is used across multiple variables.


Show NA categories

vector<character> // default: c("ifany", "always", "never") (optional)

Choose whether to show NA categories in the results.


Data label

scalar<character> // default: "proportion" (optional)

One of "proportion", "percentage", "percentage_bare", "count", "mean", or "median".


Toggle interactive plot

scalar<logical> // default: TRUE (optional)

Whether the plot is to be interactive (ggiraph) or static (ggplot2).


Hide y-axis text if just a single variable

scalar<boolean> // default: FALSE (optional)

Whether to hide text on the y-axis label if just a single variable.


Hide label threshold

scalar<numeric> // default: NULL (optional)

Whether to hide label if below this value.


Flag to swap x-axis and faceting

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

If TRUE, swaps x-axis and faceting.


Display plot vertically

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

If TRUE, display plot vertically.


Decimal places

scalar<integer> // default: 0L (optional)

Number of decimal places.


Decimal symbol

scalar<character> // default: "." (optional)

Decimal marker, some might prefer a comma ',' or something else entirely.

x_axis_label_width, strip_width

Label width of x-axis and strip texts in plots

scalar<integer> // default: 20 (optional)

Width of the labels used for the categorical column names in x-axis texts and strip texts.


What to sort output by

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Sort output (and collapse if requested). When using indep-argument, sorting differs between ordered factors and unordered factors: Ordering of ordered factors is always respected in output. Unordered factors will be reordered by sort_by. Currently, this works best for a single dep.


No sorting.


The proportion for the highest category available in the variable.


The sum of the proportions for the categories above the middle category.


The sum of the proportions for the categories including and above the middle category.


The sum of the proportions for the categories including and below the middle category.


The sum of the proportions for the categories below the middle category.


The proportions for the lowest category available in the variable.


Sort by the variable labels.


Sort by the variable names.


Sort by the variable position in the supplied data frame.


The groups of the by argument.


Character vector of category labels to sum together.


Sorting order

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

Reverse sorting of sort_by in figures and tables. See arrange_section_by for sorting of report sections.

labels_always_at_top, labels_always_at_bottom

Top/bottom variables

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Column names in data that should always be placed at the top or bottom of figures/tables.


Pivot table wider

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

Whether to pivot table wider.


Table main question as header

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

Whether to include the main question as a header in the table.


Limit for cat_table_ wide format

scalar<integer> // default: 12 (optional)

If there are more than this number of categories in the categorical variable, cat_table_* will have a long format instead of wide format.


Localize your output


A list of translations where the name is the code and the value is the translation. See the examples.



scalar<numeric> // default: 12 (optional)

DOCX plots need a height, which currently cannot be set easily with a Quarto chunk option.


Colour palette

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Must contain at least the number of unique values (including missing) in the data set.


Colour for second binary category

scalar<character> // default: "#ffffff" (optional)

Colour for the second category in binary variables. Often useful to hide this.


Colour for NA category

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Colour as a single string for NA values, if showNA is "ifany" or "always".

main_font_size, label_font_size, strip_font_size, legend_font_size

Font sizes

scalar<integer> // default: 6 (optional)

ONLY FOR DOCX-OUTPUT. Other output is adjusted using e.g. ggplot2::theme() or set with a global theme (ggplot2::theme_set()). Font sizes for general text (6), data label text (3), strip text (6) and legend text (6).


Font family

scalar<character> // default: "sans" (optional)

Word font family. See officer::fp_text.


Output path for DOCX

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Path to save docx-output.


Filename or rdocx object

scalar<character>|<rdocx>-object // default: NULL (optional)

Can be either a valid character path to a reference Word file, or an existing rdocx-object in memory.


ggplot-object, optionally an extended ggplot object with ggiraph features.


  data = ex_survey,
  dep = b_1:b_3

  data = ex_survey,
  dep = b_1, indep = x1_sex

  data = ex_survey,
  dep = b_1:b_3, indep = c(x1_sex, x2_human),
  type = "sigtest_table_html"
#>   Var 1    Var 2                         .bi_test .p_value n_valid_Males
#> 1   b_1   x1_sex Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.728           151
#> 2   b_1 x2_human Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.536            NA
#> 3   b_2   x1_sex Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.447           151
#> 4   b_2 x2_human Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.955            NA
#> 5   b_3   x1_sex Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.850           151
#> 6   b_3 x2_human Chi-squared Goodness-of-Fit Test    0.260            NA
#>   n_valid_Females n_Males n_Females n_valid_Definitely humanoid n_valid_Robot?
#> 1             149     151       149                          NA             NA
#> 2              NA      NA        NA                         144            156
#> 3             149     151       149                          NA             NA
#> 4              NA      NA        NA                         144            156
#> 5             149     151       149                          NA             NA
#> 6              NA      NA        NA                         144            156
#>   n_Definitely humanoid n_Robot?
#> 1                    NA       NA
#> 2                   144      156
#> 3                    NA       NA
#> 4                   144      156
#> 5                    NA       NA
#> 6                   144      156
  data = ex_survey,
  dep = b_1, indep = x1_sex,
  type = "cat_prop_plot_docx"
#> rdocx document with 2 element(s)
#> * styles:
#>                 Normal              heading 1              heading 2 
#>            "paragraph"            "paragraph"            "paragraph" 
#>              heading 3 Default Paragraph Font           Normal Table 
#>            "paragraph"            "character"                "table" 
#>                No List                 strong               centered 
#>            "numbering"            "character"            "paragraph" 
#>         table_template    Light List Accent 2            Titre 1 Car 
#>                "table"                "table"            "character" 
#>            Titre 2 Car            Titre 3 Car          Image Caption 
#>            "character"            "character"            "paragraph" 
#>          Table Caption     Table Professional                  toc 1 
#>            "paragraph"                "table"            "paragraph" 
#>                  toc 2           Balloon Text    Texte de bulles Car 
#>            "paragraph"            "paragraph"            "character" 
#>           reference_id          graphic title            table title 
#>            "character"            "paragraph"            "paragraph" 
#> * Content at cursor location:
#>   level num_id text style_name content_type
#> 1    NA     NA          Normal    paragraph
  data = ex_survey,
  dep = p_1:p_4, indep = x2_human,
  type = "cat_table_html"
#> # A tibble: 8 × 8
#>   .variable_label `Is respondent human?` `Strongly disagree (%)`
#>   <ord>           <fct>                  <chr>                  
#> 1 Yellow Party    Robot?                 16.03                  
#> 2 Yellow Party    Definitely humanoid    20.83                  
#> 3 Blue Party      Robot?                 26.28                  
#> 4 Blue Party      Definitely humanoid    19.44                  
#> 5 Green Party     Robot?                 25.00                  
#> 6 Green Party     Definitely humanoid    13.89                  
#> 7 Red Party       Robot?                 19.23                  
#> 8 Red Party       Definitely humanoid    16.67                  
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: `Somewhat disagree (%)` <chr>,
#> #   `Somewhat agree (%)` <chr>, `Strongly agree (%)` <chr>, `NA (%)` <chr>,
#> #   `Total (N)` <int>
  data = ex_survey,
  dep = b_1:b_3,
  crowd = c("target", "others", "all"),
  mesos_var = "f_uni",
  mesos_group = "Uni of A"
#> $Target

#> $Others

#> $All
