Estimate figure height for a horizontal bar chart
This function estimates the height of a figure for a horizontal bar chart based on several parameters including the number of dependent and independent variables, number of categories, maximum characters in the labels, and legend properties.
max_chars_labels_y = 20,
max_chars_cats_y = 20,
n_x = NULL,
n_cats_x = NULL,
max_chars_labels_x = NULL,
max_chars_cats_x = NULL,
freq = FALSE,
x_axis_label_width = 20,
strip_width = 20,
strip_angle = 0,
main_font_size = 7,
legend_location = c("plot", "panel"),
n_legend_lines = NULL,
legend_key_chars_equivalence = 5,
multiplier_per_horizontal_line = 1,
multiplier_per_vertical_letter = 1,
multiplier_per_facet = 1,
multiplier_per_bar = 1,
multiplier_per_legend_line = 1,
multiplier_per_plot = 1,
fixed_constant = 0,
margin_in_cm = 0,
figure_width_in_cm = 14,
max = 12,
min = 2,
hide_axis_text_if_single_variable = FALSE,
add_n_to_dep_label = FALSE,
add_n_to_indep_label = FALSE,
showNA = c("ifany", "never", "always")
- n_y, n_x
Integer. Number of dependent/independent variables.
- n_cats_y
Integer. Number of categories across the dependent variables.
- max_chars_labels_y
Integer. Maximum number of characters across the dependent variables' labels.
- max_chars_cats_y
Integer. Maximum number of characters across the dependent variables' response categories (levels).
- n_cats_x
Integer or NULL. Number of categories across the independent variables.
- max_chars_labels_x
Integer or NULL. Maximum number of characters across the independent variables' labels.
- max_chars_cats_x
Integer or NULL. Maximum number of characters across the independent variables' response categories (levels).
- freq
Logical. If TRUE, frequency plot with categories next to each other. If FALSE (default), proportion plot with stacked categories.
- x_axis_label_width, strip_width
Numeric. Width allocated for x-axis labels and strip labels respectively.
- strip_angle
Integer. Angle of the strip text.
- main_font_size
Numeric. Font size for the main text.
- legend_location
Character. Location of the legend. "plot" (default) or "panel".
- n_legend_lines
Integer. Number of lines in the legend.
- legend_key_chars_equivalence
Integer. Approximate number of characters the legend key equals.
- multiplier_per_horizontal_line
Numeric. Multiplier per horizontal line.
- multiplier_per_vertical_letter
Numeric. Multiplier per vertical letter.
- multiplier_per_facet
Numeric. Multiplier per facet height.
- multiplier_per_bar
Numeric. Multiplier per bar height (thickness).
- multiplier_per_legend_line
Numeric. Multiplier per legend line.
- multiplier_per_plot
Numeric. Multiplier for entire plot estimates.
- fixed_constant
Numeric. Fixed constant to be added to the height.
- margin_in_cm
Numeric. Margin in centimeters.
- figure_width_in_cm
Numeric. Width of the figure in centimeters.
- max
Numeric. Maximum height.
- min
Numeric. Minimum height.
- hide_axis_text_if_single_variable
Boolean. Whether the label is hidden for single dependent variable plots.
- add_n_to_dep_label, add_n_to_indep_label
Boolean. If TRUE, will add 10 characters to the max label lengths. This is primarily useful when obtaining these settings from the global environment, avoiding the need to compute this for each figure chunk.
- showNA
String, one of "ifany", "always" or "never". Not yet in use.
n_y = 5,
n_cats_y = 3,
max_chars_labels_y = 20,
max_chars_cats_y = 8,
n_x = 1,
n_cats_x = 4,
max_chars_labels_x = 12,
freq = FALSE,
x_axis_label_width = 20,
strip_angle = 0,
main_font_size = 8,
legend_location = "panel",
n_legend_lines = 2,
legend_key_chars_equivalence = 5,
multiplier_per_horizontal_line = 1,
multiplier_per_vertical_letter = .15,
multiplier_per_facet = .95,
multiplier_per_legend_line = 1.5,
figure_width_in_cm = 16
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