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The draft_report() function takes a raw dataset (data-argument) and the output from the refine_chapter_overview()-function as the chapter_structure-argument and outputs a set of pre-populated qmd-files in the specified path-folder. You can edit, render, and ultimately publish these as usual with Quarto features in RStudio. See also {}-package for post-processing tools.


  path = tempdir(),
  title = NULL,
  authors = NULL,
  authors_col = "author",
  chapter_yaml_file = NULL,
  chapter_qmd_start_section_filepath = NULL,
  chapter_qmd_end_section_filepath = NULL,
  index_filename = "index",
  index_yaml_file = NULL,
  index_qmd_start_section_filepath = NULL,
  index_qmd_end_section_filepath = NULL,
  report_filename = "report",
  report_yaml_file = NULL,
  report_qmd_start_section_filepath = NULL,
  report_qmd_end_section_filepath = NULL,
  report_includes_files = FALSE,
  ignore_heading_for_group = c(".template_name", ".variable_type_dep",
    ".variable_type_indep", ".variable_group_dep", "chapter"),
  replace_heading_for_group = c(.variable_label_suffix_dep = ".variable_name_dep",
    .variable_label_suffix_indep = ".variable_name_indep"),
  prefix_heading_for_group = NULL,
  suffix_heading_for_group = NULL,
  require_common_categories = TRUE,
  combined_report = TRUE,
  attach_chapter_dataset = TRUE,
  auxiliary_variables = NULL,
  serialized_format = c("rds", "qs"),
  max_path_warning_threshold = 260,
  filename_prefix = "",
  data_filename_prefix = "data_",
  report_includes_prefix = "{{< include \"",
  report_includes_suffix = "\" >}}",
  log_file = NULL



Survey data

obj:<data.frame>|obj:<tbl_df>|obj:<srvyr> // Required

A data frame (or a srvyr-object) with the columns specified in the chapter_structure 'dep', etc columns.


What goes into each chapter and sub-chapter

obj:<data.frame>|obj:<tbl_df> // Required

Data frame (or tibble, possibly grouped). One row per chapter. Should contain the columns 'chapter' and 'dep', Optionally 'indep' (independent variables) and other informative columns as needed.


Dynamic dots


Arguments forwarded to the corresponding functions that create the elements.


Output path

scalar<character> // default: tempdir() (optional)

Path to save all output. Defaults to a temporary directory.


Title of report

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Added automatically to YAML-header of index.qmd and report.qmd-files.


Authors of entire report

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

If NULL, infers from chapter_structure[[authors_col]], and collates for entire report. If multiple authors per chapter, separate with semicolon. Ensure consistency.


Column name for author

scalar<character> // default: "author" (optional)

Only used if it exists. Multiple authors are separated by semicolon (and optionally with a subsequent space).


Path to YAML-file to insert into each chapter qmd-file

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Path to file used to insert header YAML, in each chapter.

chapter_qmd_start_section_filepath, chapter_qmd_end_section_filepath, index_qmd_start_section_filepath, index_qmd_end_section_filepath, report_qmd_start_section_filepath, report_qmd_end_section_filepath,

Path to qmd-bit for start/end of each qmd

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Path to qmd-snippet placed before/after body of all chapter/index/report qmd-files.


Index filename

scalar<character> // default: "index" (optional)

The name of the main index Quarto file used as landing page for each report. Will link to a PDF (report.qmd) which collects all chapters.

index_yaml_file, report_yaml_file

Path to YAML-file to insert into index.qmd and report.qmd respectively

scalar<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Path to file used to insert header YAML, in index and report files.


Report filename

scalar<character> // default: "report" (optional)

The name of the main report QMD-file used when compiling a complete report collecting all chapters in its folder (except itself). If provided, will be linked to in the index. If NULL, will generate a filename based on the report title, prefixed with "0_". To turn off, set pdf=FALSE.


Whether report.qmd includes {{< include 'chapter.qmd' >}}

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE

Useful to have in mesos reports. However, bear in mind that including other qmd files with conflicting YAML-headers might be risky.


Ignore heading for group

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Type of refined chapter_structure data for which to suppress the heading in the report output. Typically variable_name_dep, variable_name_indep, etc.


Replacing heading for group

named vector<character> // default: c(".variable_label_suffix_dep" = ".variable_name_dep")

Occasionally, one needs to replace the heading with another piece of information in the refined chapter_structure. For instance, one may want to organize output by variable_name_indep, but to display the variable_label_indep instead. Use the name for the replacement and the value for the original.

prefix_heading_for_group, suffix_heading_for_group

Prefix and suffix headings

vector<named character> // default: NULL (optional)

Names are heading_groups, values are the prefixes and suffixes. Note that prefixes should end with a \n as headings must begin on a new line.


Check common categories

scalar<logical> // default: NULL (optional)

Whether to check if all items share common categories.


Create a combined report?

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE (optional)

Whether to create a qmd file that merges all chapters into a combined report.


Toggle inclusion of chapter-specific datasets in qmd-files

scalar<logical> // default: FALSE

Whether to save in each chapter folder an 'Rds'-file with the chapter-specific dataset, and load it at the top of each QMD-file.


Auxiliary variables to be included in datasets

vector<character> // default: NULL (optional)

Column names in data that should always be included in datasets for chapter qmd-files, if attach_chapter_dataset=TRUE. Not publicly available.


Serialized format

scalar<string> // default: "rds"

Format for serialized data when storing chapter dataset. One of "rds" (default), "qs" or "fst". The latter two requires the respective packages to be installed. "qs" is usually the fastest and most space efficient, but sets package dependencies on the report project.


Maximum number of characters in paths warning

scalar<integer> // default: 260 (optional)

Microsoft has set an absolute limit of 260 characters for its Sharepoint/OneDrive file paths. This will mean that files with cache (hash suffixes are added) will quickly breach this limit. When set, a warning will be returned if files are found to be longer than this threshold. Also note that spaces count as three characters due to its URL-conversion: %20. To avoid test, set to Inf


Prefix string for all qmd filenames

scalar<character> // default: "" (optional)

For mesos setup it might be useful to set these files (and related sub-folders) with an underscore (filename_prefix = "_") in front as other stub files will include these main qmd files.


String attached to beginning of data-file and data-object

scalar<string> // default: "data_"

report_includes_prefix, report_includes_suffix

Strings around files in report.qmd

scalar<string> // default: "\{\{< include " and " >\}\}"

The prefix and suffix for each of the chapters being included in the report.qmd file if report_includes_files = TRUE.


Path to log file

scalar<string> // default: "_log.txt" (optional)

Path to log file. Set to NULL to disable logging.


The path-argument.


Note that saros treats data as they are stored: numeric, integer, factor, ordinal, character, and datetime. Currently, only factor/ordinal and character are implemented.


# \donttest{
ex_survey_ch_structure <-
    chapter_overview = ex_survey_ch_overview,
    data = ex_survey
#> `chunk_templates` is NULL. Using global defaults.
#> Refining chapter_overview into a chapter_structure ...
#> Not using the following variables in `data`: `x2_human, a_7, a_8, c_1, c_2,
#> f_uni, and resp_status`.
index_filepath <-
    chapter_structure = ex_survey_ch_structure,
    data = ex_survey,
    path = tempdir()
# }